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Lights & Shadows noun
An interplay of contrasting elements.

As we captured the interplay between natural sunlight and shadows during this photoshoot, we couldn't help but draw parallels with the highs and lows in our brand's journey.

Launching a fashion collection comes with its own set of challenges. From facing communication barriers with our Vietnamese seamstresses to grappling with creative blocks, we've had our fair share of lows. But we've also experienced the highs, like receiving positive feedback and having fruitful launches.

This collection is a reflection of our brand's journey and a reminder that, just like in life, there will be ups and downs in a business too - but it's how we cope with them that matters. We hope this collection encourages you to embrace both the light and the shadow aspects of life.

Food for thought: What are some ways that you find balance and appreciate the beauty in both?

Lights & Shadows

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